Open files [MS Windows users]
The PowerPoints are saved as PowerPoint 97-2003 files.
If PowerPoint files do not open, download PowerPoint Viewer free of charge here:

Sourcebook modules are saved as pdf-files.
If pdf files do not open, download Adobe Reader free of charge here:

Save files
A PowerPoint file can be saved on your own computer directly. Click Save!
A pdf file opens automatically in a new window. The file can be saved on your own computer!

Maneuvering in the sourcebook
The sourcebook contains blue-colored underlined links to text references, slides and webpages.
Position the cursor over the link and click. You are automatically transferred to the reference/slide.
Return to page by pressing key and clicking left-arrow key.

Pages and bookmarks:
There are two symbols in the upper left corner of the screen:
Click the here to open a panel for maneuvering between pages.
Click here to open a panel for maneuvering between bookmarks.
The reference or slide links always refer to the same module. Readers who have downloaded a full chapter can get to other modules and slides within this chapter by clicking bookmarks.
Use of slides and sourcebook
This material in full or parts is free for use and citation provided you refer to the source and to the copyright holder.
You may copy or print slides/pages and combine them with your own material.
The PowerPoint slides are not secured in order to allow animation.
You are not allowed to change/modify slides in any way.
The pdf-files are secured but can be printed as whole modules or as selected pages.

[Mac users]
If you have problems accessing the material:
Please install Open Office. It can be downloaded free of charge here:

Please let us know if you experience problems when using the material!